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Visit Us

We worship on Sundays at 10:00 am in person and on Zoom. To worship with us on zoom please email


Our address is 1700 Stonehenge Dr, Lafayette, CO 80026.


We are located just off of the corner of Highway 287 and Arapahoe Rd in Boulder County. Surrounding towns include Lafayette, Louisville, Erie, Broomfield, Longmont, Boulder, Superior, and Westminster.

What to expect on Sunday Morning


There is no dress code at Cairn Christian Church. We are an informal congregation and we invite you to be yourself. When you arrive on Sunday morning, you will be greeted at the door. To your right is the Community Hall, where we gather before and after worship for coffee, snacks and a time to visit. To your left is the entrance into our Sanctuary. Our Order of Worship is printed in a bulletin with instructions about the various aspects of worship and information about our congregation. The greeters will be glad to answer any questions you may have.


Sunday Morning Schedule

9:30-10:00 am Coffee and gathering

10:00-11:15 am Worship

11:15-11:40 am Coffee and conversation

11:30-12:15 am Faith Development (once a month)


What to Expect from Our Zoom Worship

We welcome guests and have had guests from across the US and a few from abroad too. Contact us at to join us as a guest on zoom.


The waiting room will open at 9:55 and you will be admitted by our host.


We greet each other and then preludes begin at 10:00 as the congregation continues to gather.


We end worship with community time in a break out room.


We use the various functions of Zoom to enhance our worship including:

  • the use of the waiting room for security reasons

  • keeping all people muted unless they are called on by the host

  • the chat box to share greetings or to ask for help with technical difficulties

  • the raise hand function when we share with each other


Please join us!


Infants, Children & Youth

We welcome children as they are in worship, wiggles, giggles, and cries. There is a children’s moment, early in the service. Following this time the children are invited to return to you or to attend our Children’s Worship downstairs (for ages 3-9). All staff and volunteers at Cairn have had background checks. Younger children (2 and under) may go to our nursery off of Community Hall if you so choose. The children return to the Sanctuary in time to participate with their parents in communion.


We also have a Prayground in the Sanctuary with activities and crafts for our children to engage with during worship. They are invited to use the space throughout worship. 


The Baby Sanctuary is located near the sanctuary. You may use this if you or your child need some quiet space. Please also know that the noises of our children are part of worship, not a distraction from it, and you and your child are welcome to remain in worship together. 



Communion & Passing of the Peace

An important part of worship in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is our practice of weekly communion. Each week we remember the meal Jesus shared with his disciples. For us, this meal is a place of grace, community, unity, justice and hope. All  are invited to participate in this meal regardless of age, baptism or membership.  Our bread is gluten free and vegan, and our cup contains grape juice or water.


Finally, at the end of worship, we share a sign of peace with one another : a handshake or hug and some form of the words “Peace be with you.”  We believe that peace, justice and reconciliation are our primary tasks in the world and that this work begins each week in our own hearts and in our own relationships.



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