Our Worship

We worship together in the sanctuary and over Zoom on Sundays at 10:00 am. If you would like to worship with us on Zoom, please email info@cairnchristian.com for the link.
sanctuary + liturgy
Each season (summer, winter, spring, and fall) we create a new liturgy based around a theme chosen and explored by a small group at Cairn. Some themes have been "Cultivating and Letting Go", "God Shows Up", "Lift Up Your Voice".
Our sanctuary can be set up in the round, encircling the labyrinth, or with the pews facing the front. Always in our space are the cairn that our children light, the cross, the communion table, singing bowls, and the labyrinth.
Our order of worship changes seasonally, but usually includes the ringing of the singing bowls, children bringing candles to place on our cairn, communion (gluten free), sharing our joys and concerns as a community, and the Lord's Prayer in language that is more accessible and inclusive for today.
Dress is comfortable and casual.
If you would like to worship with us live, contact us at info@cairnchristian.com
We do not include recordings of children in our videos to protect their safety.